Admin : DAHBAF


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Does a Whole Life Insurance Help Achieve your Retirement Goals?

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

You work hard and earn a living so that you can take care of the needs and goals of you and your family members. One such goal you work for is Retirement. You hustle during your work life so that you live happily and stress-free post your retirement. After retirement, you can spend more time […]

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5 Ways a Life Insurance Policy is Different from an Annuity Plan

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

Your financial life is divided into three unique segments – accumulation, preservation and distribution. The life of your investments also follows the same pattern. While you are professionally employed, you have an external source of income. In this period of life, you invest your savings to meet specific financial goals later in life. One of […]

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What Questions are Asked on a Life Insurance Application?

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

If you decide to buy a life insurance policy, no matter what type of life insurance you choose and from which insurance provider you buy it, one part remains the same. This part is the application. Application is the first and the most important part of the life insurance policy. Application for life insurance includes […]

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Nine Ways you can Use Life Insurance in your Life

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

Having a life insurance policy is very vital. Irrespective of how good and comfortable the life you currently live, you don’t know what the future holds. Having a life insurance policy makes sure that your family members don’t struggle after you die. The purpose of life insurance is to ensure that your family can maintain […]

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Do I Need a Life Insurance Policy If I Have No Dependents?

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

You are currently single and happy with your job and have no plans to get married or have a child. At this point, you might think what will be the use of buying life insurance as no one is dependent on you. You may think it will have no benefit. This is what the major […]

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What is Non-Life Insurance Policy?

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

There is so much you may want to achieve in your life. However, there is nothing in your life that you can say will happen with surety. Also, there are certain things you want that should happen without compromise. For example, you want your children to study in a good college. Given the life uncertainties […]

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Insurance Claims – Meaning, Procedure & How to Avoid Rejections?

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

Insurance claims are the moment of truth for the insured. A claim can be demanded in an insurance contract when the insured suffers an event that the policy covers. The claim processing or claim settlement process will start with the insured or their nominees filing the claim with the insurer. Every insurance claim is guided […]

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How to Compare Life Insurance Quotes?

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

You may have a dream of owning a house, a car and travelling to exotic places during your periodic vacations from the routine. You can also have a goal of supporting your child to take up a career of his/her choice. In addition to all these goals, you may also be thinking of your life […]

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How does a Life Insurance Policy Works in a Divorce?

Filed in INSURANCE by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

Life’s journey is as unpredictable as life itself. Needless to say, it is financially prudent to mitigate risks and losses caused due to loss of life. However, life is a roller coaster ride by itself and even the best of relationships can turn sour with time. Marriage is no exception. Marriages may be made in […]

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What is Insurance: Meaning, Types and Benefits

Filed in INSURANCE, Life Insurance by on December 9, 2023 0 Comments

An insurance is a legal agreement between an insurer (insurance company) and an insured (individual), in which an insured receives financial protection from an insurer for the losses he may suffer under specific circumstances. Under an insurance policy, the insured needs to pay regular amount of premiums to the insurer. The insurer pays a predetermined […]

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